Easy Life with Kotlin 😇

Dony “A” Nuransyah
3 min readDec 3, 2020


Mr. President of Indonesia believe programmer can solve any issue in only 2 weeks(sprint cycle)

somehow quarantine makes me feel not productive especially when I got a lot of projects and should be finished ASAP, so I create some sort of code which is usually used in my side project to simplify and reduce my repetitive code sometime 🤪.

1.Kotlin Extension is function with steroid we can add some Type of data as receiver example

fun Int.multiplyBy(value : Int) : Int = this * valuehow to use :
val result = 9.mutiplyBy(8)

or we could enhance variable with lambda

val multiply : (Int , Int) -> Int = { x, y -> x * y}how to use :
val result = multiply(9,8)

another one used receiver 📡

val multiplyBy : Int.(Int) -> Int = { value -> this * value}how to use :
val result = 9.multiplyBy(8)

we can chaining one or more function into single LOC.

val plusBy : Int.(Int) -> Int = { value -> this +value}how to use :
val result = 2.plusBy(1).multiplyBy(10)

⚡ we can easily manipulate any list with high order function, one of my favorite is map .

val orders : List<Order> = listOf(Order(1,”nasgor”,12000),Order(3,”cuangki”,10000)how to use :
val ordersPrice : List<Int> = orders.map { it.price }

Sealed Class 🦭

It’s like enum class but fancier, we can even make safe execute to guarantee your high-risk function will not get any runtime exception just use some of the try-catch but wrap with sealed class in it.

sealed class Try<out A> {
data class Failure<out A>(val exception: Throwable) : Try<A>()
data class Success<out A>(val value: A) : Try<A>()
inline operator fun <A> invoke(func: () -> A): Try<A> = try {
} catch (ex: Throwable) {
how to use :
invoke {
//just run your high risk function here

Create an extension of your repetitive unit test code it even makes your unit test more readable.

infix fun <T> Subscriber<T>.`hasValue`(value : T?) {
//add your repetitive code here
how to use :
fun TestMySubsriberHasValue{
someSubscriber `hasValue` expectedValue

make webserver test more readable with kotlin extension stuff and of course reduce repetitive code.

enum class HttpMethod {
enum class ContentType(val type : String) {
data class ExpectedRequest{
authorization : String?,
method : HttpMethod?,
contentType : ContentType?,
path : String?,
body : String?
infix fun `received request`(expectedReq : ExpectedRequest){
val actualReq : MyRequest = this.takeRequest()
actualReq `is valid` actualReq.authorization
other checking value, etc...
infix fun MyRequest.`is valid`(value : String){
this.getHeader("Authorization") `should equal` value
infix fun <T> T.`should equal`(expected : T) : T = this.apply{
how to use :
mockWebserver `received request` ExpectedRequest(
authorization = "BEARER SECURE_TOKEN",
method = POST,
contentType = JSON,
path = "/evm/search/query",
body = """{ "product" : "celana kulot cantik pisan", "size" :

Operator Overloading

operator fun CompositeDisposable.plusAssign(disposable : Disposable{
how to use :
fun searchModel(query :String){
compositeDisposable += repository.searchModel(query).subscribeOn(Schedulers.io())

Bundle Delegate it’s very useful for any lazy developer write key for fragment instance

class StringBundleDelegate{
operator fun getValue(
bundle : Bundle,
property : KProperty<*>
):String {
return bundle.getString(property.name)
operator fun setValue(
bundle : Bundle,
property : KProperty<*>,
value : String?){

val Bundle.Title : String? by StringBundleDelegate()
val Bundle.Id : String? by StringBundleDelegate()
fun newInstanceFragmentHome(title : String,catalogId : String) : HomeFragment{
val bundle = Bundle()
bundle.Title = title
bundle.Id = catalogId
return HomeFragment().also{
arguments = bundle
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?){
dataBinding.appbar.title = arguments?.Title
arguments?.Id?.let { id ->

you can read more trick here : https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/android-overview.html



Dony “A” Nuransyah
Dony “A” Nuransyah

Written by Dony “A” Nuransyah

“Pessimists sound smart. Optimists make money.” ― Patrick Collison

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